Saturday, May 10, 2014

Targeting Belly Fat with CLA

By Olivia Mungal

Many who struggle with their weight find it difficult to kick start their metabolism, even with regular exercise and a balanced diet. According to research, taking conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) regularly can train your metabolism to effectively distribute fat and calories straight to your muscles, so less of it can be stored as fat. Not only does this result in greater muscle tone and higher overall energy levels, but it stops the body from attempting to immediately store energy.
This is especially true when examining the effects of CLA on belly fat. According to a study conducted by the International Journal of Obesity, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) reduces abdominal fat in overweight adults. Volunteers who received CLA instead of placebo for four weeks and did not make any other changes in their diet or lifestyle observed a significant decrease in their abdominal diameter. On average, CLA subjects lost an inch from their waist.
Another study led by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that CLA supplementation for 1 year reduces body fat mass in healthy, overweight adults. Volunteers received CLA or placebo daily for a one-year period. By the study’s conclusion, the average body fat mass in the CLA groups was 6.9%-8.7% lower than the placebo-control group.
The metabolic explanation for this phenomenon involves the particular structure and nature of CLA, which is a single name referring to a group of fatty acids. When excess calories and fat are consumed, they are stored in fat cells by the enzyme lipoprotein known as lipase. CLA is unique in that it blocks the activity of this enzyme and diverts the ingested fat to the muscles, where instead of being stored it can be immediately utilized as energy—especially when paired with regular exercise. Used in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise, CLA is heralded as an effective weight loss agent that not only helps people lose body fat, but it helps buffer the metabolism from weight fluctuations and unhealthy “yo-yo-ing” patterns.
CLA is recognized not only for decreasing body fat stores after eating, but also decreases the total number of fat cells in your body. This helps the body manage where nutrients are being distributed before they are stored into stubborn fat cells. Even if the body has excess stores of fat, CLA makes the breakdown of fat more efficient and easy so that the body does not have to exert the same level of energy required to start breaking down and utilizing fat stores.
Where many supplements offer quick results, they often compromise muscle density or simply shed water weight without helping the body burn fat. Muscle tone helps the body burn calories at a higher rate, and enhancing the body’s musculature also promotes weight loss.  Paired with a well-rounded diet and regular exercise, CLA offers long-term weight management and lasting results.
NutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is ideal for those who have lost weight or are losing weight and want the extra support to keep it off. NutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA contains natural ingredients that can help redistribute fat to fat burning muscle tissue to assist in promoting lean muscle mass and decreasing the amount of fat stored in your body

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