Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Candy: How to Minimize the Damage

Autumn is in full swing. Pumpkin pie, fresh cider, sweet potatoes, and of course, Halloween. For those of us making an effort to eat right, Halloween it is a time of temptation. Even if you don’t have children bringing home sacks of candy home on Halloween, you’re likely to have plenty of leftover candy from Trick-or-Treaters. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to survive Halloween without giving in to your sweet tooth -and no, you don’t have to take direction from your Dentist and be “that” house on your street giving away pennies this Halloween. Here’s what you can do to play damage control.

Always Check How Many Grams of Sugar Are In A Serving of Candy:

Some candy seems much more innocent than it really is. Take Skittles, for example. You may be “Tasting the Rainbow”, but you might be surprised to learn 1 full-size package of Skittles has 250 calories and 47 grams of sugar. That’s almost the sugar content of 4 Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
Definitely a Trick, if you ask us. We advise finding treats a little less dangerous to keep around.

Buy Halloween Candy You’re Not Crazy About:

Especially if your home has a long-standing history of being left with extra goodies at the end of the night, make it easy for yourself. If you’re a chocoholic, buy fruity candy instead. Make it easy to part with your extra Halloween candy…just don’t be too mean to your Trick-or-Treaters (No one likes Sugar Daddies or Candy Corn, people. No one.)

Buy Healthy(ish) Candy Alternatives:

At large stores that sell in bulk, you can often get fun-sized packs of pretzels, crackers, apple chips, or other slightly less sinful treats. Gummy candies, like fruit snacks, often have less sugar and fat in them than more traditional sweets.

Always Buy Well-Sealed Treats:

Although you may want to send kids home with healthy choices, like fresh apple slices, skeptical parents will likely throw out your well-intended treats without paying it a second thought if they aren’t pre-sealed. A parent’s priority will always be “Safety First”.

Surrender the Booty:

A child’s favorite moment of Halloween is dumping out the spoils on the floor and sorting their candy. Take the time at the end of the night to let them choose the pieces they want, and put the rest into a “Give Away” pile. Even if you don’t have kids who will be taking candy home this year, consolidate your left-over candy and take it to work with you to leave in the break room for your coworkers. Just getting it out of the house can make a world of difference.

Limit How Many Pieces Of Candy Your Child Can Eat:

Make a daily limit of how many pieces of candy your child can have, and hide the candy. This can cut back on a lot of overeating…and hyperactivity.

Have Healthy Snacks Around:

Part of what makes Fun-Sized candy so dangerous is the thought that a little bit won’t hurt. The temptation is ever stronger in tiny “cute” packaging, but don’t fall for it. Make sure you have pre-prepared healthy snacks, like apple slices, grapes, cherry tomatoes, celery and peanut butter, or your TLS Shakes around and readily accessible when you start to feel snacky.

With a little foresight, you can avoid falling off the bandwagon this Autumn. Have a fun and safe Halloween!