Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Candy: How to Minimize the Damage

Autumn is in full swing. Pumpkin pie, fresh cider, sweet potatoes, and of course, Halloween. For those of us making an effort to eat right, Halloween it is a time of temptation. Even if you don’t have children bringing home sacks of candy home on Halloween, you’re likely to have plenty of leftover candy from Trick-or-Treaters. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to survive Halloween without giving in to your sweet tooth -and no, you don’t have to take direction from your Dentist and be “that” house on your street giving away pennies this Halloween. Here’s what you can do to play damage control.

Always Check How Many Grams of Sugar Are In A Serving of Candy:

Some candy seems much more innocent than it really is. Take Skittles, for example. You may be “Tasting the Rainbow”, but you might be surprised to learn 1 full-size package of Skittles has 250 calories and 47 grams of sugar. That’s almost the sugar content of 4 Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
Definitely a Trick, if you ask us. We advise finding treats a little less dangerous to keep around.

Buy Halloween Candy You’re Not Crazy About:

Especially if your home has a long-standing history of being left with extra goodies at the end of the night, make it easy for yourself. If you’re a chocoholic, buy fruity candy instead. Make it easy to part with your extra Halloween candy…just don’t be too mean to your Trick-or-Treaters (No one likes Sugar Daddies or Candy Corn, people. No one.)

Buy Healthy(ish) Candy Alternatives:

At large stores that sell in bulk, you can often get fun-sized packs of pretzels, crackers, apple chips, or other slightly less sinful treats. Gummy candies, like fruit snacks, often have less sugar and fat in them than more traditional sweets.

Always Buy Well-Sealed Treats:

Although you may want to send kids home with healthy choices, like fresh apple slices, skeptical parents will likely throw out your well-intended treats without paying it a second thought if they aren’t pre-sealed. A parent’s priority will always be “Safety First”.

Surrender the Booty:

A child’s favorite moment of Halloween is dumping out the spoils on the floor and sorting their candy. Take the time at the end of the night to let them choose the pieces they want, and put the rest into a “Give Away” pile. Even if you don’t have kids who will be taking candy home this year, consolidate your left-over candy and take it to work with you to leave in the break room for your coworkers. Just getting it out of the house can make a world of difference.

Limit How Many Pieces Of Candy Your Child Can Eat:

Make a daily limit of how many pieces of candy your child can have, and hide the candy. This can cut back on a lot of overeating…and hyperactivity.

Have Healthy Snacks Around:

Part of what makes Fun-Sized candy so dangerous is the thought that a little bit won’t hurt. The temptation is ever stronger in tiny “cute” packaging, but don’t fall for it. Make sure you have pre-prepared healthy snacks, like apple slices, grapes, cherry tomatoes, celery and peanut butter, or your TLS Shakes around and readily accessible when you start to feel snacky.

With a little foresight, you can avoid falling off the bandwagon this Autumn. Have a fun and safe Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Celiac Disease: Prevalence and Prevention

By Dr. Deedra Mason

It is understood that true Celiac disease affects less than one percent of the population.  At the same time, as many as 85 percent of patients with three or more symptoms indicative of Celiac risk go undiagnosed, and data shows as much as 35 percent of the general population is at increased risk for Celiac Disease.
The intestines contain billions of microorganisms and cells operating in balance to provide the body with a filter that is essential to life. Through this filter much-needed nutrients and water are absorbed.  When the integrity of this system is compromised, however, unhealthy bacteria, toxins, chemicals, and wastes which were meant to be eliminated are absorbed instead, leading to numerous health concerns.
This disorder is commonly referred to as Hyper Intestinal Permeability, where the functional barrier between absorption and exclusion is compromised, or has become ineffective.   When an individual’s digestive system fails to exclude those compounds that should be eliminated, there is increased potential for GI disorders such as gluten sensitivity, IBS, IBD and even Celiac Disease.
These disorders can all involve a rapid increase in white blood cell mobilization and activity, creating a potential “perfect storm” for autoimmune disorders.  This is because our intestinal tract is a major regulator of immune function—in fact, it’s been said that this is where a healthy immune system begins.  A compromise in its integrity can result in much more than an upset stomach.
To provide just one example, gluten sensitivity is now a major player in the arena of autoimmune disorders, neuroendocrine dysfunction and quality of life complaints. This immune cascade finally leads to the complete rejection by the body of gluten, and for many, tissue destruction and immune deregulation.
Initially, these symptoms may not identify themselves as immune in origin, first presenting itself in the form of decreased energy levels, loss of mental focus, mood swings or weight gain.  Over time, other symptoms, such as exaggerated joint discomfort or the inability to fight off a cold or flu begin to manifest. If nothing is done to correct the imbalance, there is the potential to develop a disorder like rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, or even Lupus.
What can be done on a daily basis to reduce this risk, and assist the immune system in staying balanced? Consider the following six steps:
1      Complete a diet diary.  Evaluate your own personal consumption of gluten.  Gluten is found in :  barley, wheat, and rye, and strict avoidance even includes oats.
2      Add a probiotic daily.  Normal intestinal flora functions to assist the digestion of carbohydrates, enhance natural immunity by producing natural antibiotics, assist the deconjugation of bile, synthesize B vitamins and enzymes, produce organic acids which help to regulate intestinal pH and serve to inhibit the growth of less beneficial and potentially pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.
3      Don’t think about what you are going to take away from the diet; instead consider what you are going to add—fiber is a great start.  If you are limited on your fresh farm season, or simply know veggie consumption is not your strong suite, consider a quality fiber supplement, preferably one including L-Glutamine and other amino acids.
4      Don’t forget the importance of a high quality multivitamin, to fill in gaps where your diet falls short.
5      Make sure to use a digestive enzyme formula, in particular one which has an emphasis on proteases.
6      Find a high quality source of omega-3 fatty acids from food or supplements.  Omega-3 fatty acids play a role in healthy inflammatory responses.
This entire list is not mandatory, but by selecting those options that are most compatible with your schedule and lifestyle you can provide some support for your digestive function, along with some reassurance for yourself. There is no one trigger for any chronic disease, but the combination of healthy dietary choices, supplementation, good sleeping habits and exercise are paramount to their prevention.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Is Your Immune System Ready?

The colder months take a toll on your immune system. As we head into cold and flu season, it is important to give your immune system extra support to fight off illness this season. A healthy immune system is the foundation for health and wellness. With Isotonix® Immune, you can boost the power of your immune system. This week in the “Did You Know” series, we are talking all about the benefits of this health supplement and how it will help you power through this cold and flu season. Read on!

Isotonix® Immune is an immune boosting supplement that boosts your body’s natural immune response to promote a healthy immune system, key when looking for ways to stay healthy and energetic.
Formulated with the immune-boosting ingredient, Wellmune, clinically-shown to promote a healthy immune system, delivered into your body using the revolutionary Isotonix Delivery System, Isotonix Immune boosts your body’s natural immune response.

Check out what people are saying about Isotonix Immune:
“I used this product for the first time last year and it was far superior to any product I have ever taken. As a teacher, I know first hand the importance of having a strong immune system. While everyone around me was getting ill at least once during the winter month, I did not get the usual bugs. This product is the best line of defense against the winter sniffles. I didn’t miss a day of work and I got to hug my babies without worries. Thanks a million for a product that tastes great and really works.”
-Gullah Girl*SHOP.COM product review 
“I have been using this product for one full year. Every time my children or myself even show a slight sign of being sick weather it be a cough or a sneeze, I just give them or take 1 full dose of this product for 2 days in a row and the symptoms are completely gone. Thanks so much for creating this for everyone. Every item I’ve purchased from the store cannot even compare to this product. #AWESOME!!!”
-Mitch*SHOP.COM product review 
“Each winter my wife and I used to get sick but since I started taking this Isotonix Immune, one cap every morning, my wife and I have not gotten sick during this winter. THIS REALLY WORKS 100%. I recommend this to anyone that’s looking to get body’s natural immune response and to stay healthy and energetic!!!”
-Abraham S*SHOP.COM product review 
“Every year when the weather changes, from summer to autumn I always always always get sick, when immune came out i waited until end of summer to try it, one cap every morning, everyone around me is sick but I’m not. I highly recommend this.”
-Anne Z*SHOP.COM product review
 There are plenty of ways to stay healthy all year long – eating the right foods, getting enough exercise, avoiding stress. But sometimes our bodies need a little extra boost. That’s why you should turn to the immune boosting power of IsotonixImmune to help you keep up with the daily demands of life.
Is Isotonix Immune part of your daily Isotonix cocktail? Tell us in the comments below what else you include!